The backup files you created are used to restore Apinizer configuration data from backup. This is done with the "mongorestore" command on the linux shell.

For detailed information, you can review the MongoDB documentation.

When restoring, make sure that there is no database in the name you gave for the database name.

A previously taken backup file can be restored using the following command:

mongorestore --host=yourMongoIP --port=yourPort --username=apinizer --authenticationDatabase=admin --gzip --archive=apinizer-backup.archive

For Example Usage:

mongorestore --host apinizer-replicaset/,, --username apinizer --password yourDbPassword --gzip --archive=/tmp/apinizer-backup-2020-06-03-16.archive --nsFrom "apinizerdb.*" --nsTo apinizerdb.*"

To restore it, if the entire database was backed up and not just a single Collection:

mongorestore --host apinizer-replicaset/,, --username apinizer --password yourDbPassword --gzip --archive=apinizer-backup-2020-06-03-16.archive --nsInclude=apinizerdb.apinizer_proxy