The AI-Powered Chatbot Integration was implemented to enable users to utilize the API Portal more efficiently, streamline support processes, and enhance the user experience.

This integration allows users to quickly access the information they need and navigate the portal more effectively.

The primary goals of integrating an AI-powered chatbot into the API Portal are as follows:

  • Enhance User Experience

    • Enable users to receive quick and accurate answers to frequently asked questions about the API Portal.
  • Reduce Support Load

    • Lighten the workload of the technical support team, allowing them to focus solely on complex issues.
  • Ensure Accessibility

    • Allow users to access support 24/7.
  • Increase Efficiency

    • Provide quick solution suggestions through the chatbot, enabling users to complete tasks within the portal more swiftly.

Accessing the Chatbot

  1. Log In:

    • Log in to the API Portal's homepage.
  2. Click the Chat Bubble:

    • Click on the chatbot icon located in the bottom-right corner to start the conversation.