Error Messages
When an error is thrown from the policies, Apinizer sends the default error message to the user if it is not customized. The customization of the error message(s) is based on both the application across Apinizer and the application in the relevant policy. All error messages on an application basis can be managed on this page. While sending the error message, 3 states are checked respectively.
- First, if the error is customized in the policy, the error message information here is used.
- If the policy is not customized but application-wide, the error message here is thrown.
- If customization is not done on a general application basis or policy basis, the request will be answered with Apinizer's default error message.
If an entry is made in any of the customizable fields, the customized information will be taken into account, the default values will not.
HTTP Status Code, Error Code and Error Message fields in the error message can be customized. Customization can be done by clicking on the cell of the relevant field on the screen.
In the screenshot below, the error messages thrown from the Authentication and Authorization policies have been filtered and the error message with the ERR-035 error code has been customized. Authentication and Authorization policies that throw this error will now send the customized message to the user.
The fields used for error message configuration are shown in the table below.
Field | Description |
HTTP Status Code | It is the default HTTP status code thrown from the policy. |
Error Code | It is the default error code thrown from the policy. |
Original Message | It is the default error message thrown from the policy. |
Customized HTTP Status Code | When the related error is thrown, the HTTP status code can be created to be displayed to the user different from the default. |
Customized Error Code | When the related error is thrown, an error code can be created that is desired to be displayed differently to the user than the default. |
Customized Message | When the related error is thrown, an error message can be created to be displayed differently to the user than the default. |
Error Type, Error Code, Error Messages Table
Parent Error Type (enum) | Error Type (enum) | Apinizer Error Code | Error Message | HTTP Status Code |
API_PROXY | APIPROXY | ERR-001 | An Exception is occured! Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
APIPROXY_NOTFOUND | ERR-002 | ApiProxy is not found for related URL( {0} )! | 404 | |
APIPROXY_BACKEND_ADDRESS_NOTFOUND | ERR-003 | Backend address is not found or there is no suitable backend for configured conditions! | 404 | |
SCRIPT_API_NOTFOUND | ERR-004 | Script API settings are not found! | 404 | |
JOB_API_NOTFOUND | ERR-005 | TASK FLOW MANAGER API settings are not found! | 404 | |
API_METHOD_NOTFOUND | ERR-006 | Method not found or disabled! | 404 | |
CONNECTION_CONFIG_DB_NOTFOUND | ERR-011 | Database Connection Configuration not found! | 501 | |
CONNECTION_CONFIG_DB_DISABLED | ERR-012 | Database Connection Configuration disabled! | 501 | |
DATABASE_CONNECTION_EX | ERR-013 | Database connection is failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
DBTOAPI_DB_OPERATION_TYPE_NOTFOUND | ERR-016 | Database Operation Type Not Found! | 501 | |
DBTOAPI_DB_BATCH_ARRAY_LENGTH | ERR-017 | Data array length could not be calculated in Json Body while Batch Insert Operation! | 400 | |
DB_API_NOTFOUND | ERR-110 | DB API settings are not found! | 404 | |
APIPROXY_NOTFOUND_FORTOKEN | ERR-112 | Proxy is not found for client id ( {0})! | 404 | |
APICRYPT_EX | ERR-117 | Error on ApiCrypt call! Error message is: {0} | 500 | |
APIPROXYGROUP_ACCESS_DISABLED_FROM_PROXY | ERR-134 | Direct access to ApiProxy is disabled! Access this endpoint over ProxyGroup URL! | 401 | |
APIPROXY_ENDPOINT_MISMATCH | ERR-136 | URL path parameters of Path (Used By Client) and Path (of Backend) must match! Please fix your endpoint configuration or send request in as described in configuration! | 500 | |
APIPROXY_ENDPOINT_MISSING_PATH_PARAM_DEFINITION | ERR-137 | Count of URL path parameters of Path (Used By Client) and Path (of Backend) are same but has different names! Control and fix Path (Used By Client) for {0} parameter at Path (of Backend)! | 500 | |
CREDENTIAL_NOTFOUND_FORTOKEN | ERR-138 | Credential is not found for client id ( {0})! | 401 | |
CREDENTIAL_NOTVALID_FORTOKEN | ERR-139 | Client id ( {0}) and client secret is not valid! | 401 | |
URL_TOKEN_MANAGEMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH | ERR-140 | Endpoint URL and Token Management Type is mismatched! Please control your endpoint according to Token Management Type! | 401 | |
APIPROXY_HIDDENSPEC | ERR-141 | ApiProxy Spec is hidden! | 403 | |
NOTER_SETTINGS_NOTFOUND | ERR-183 | Noter settings are not found! | 501 | |
CONNECTOR_SETTINGS_NOTFOUND | ERR-184 | Connector setting is not found! | 501 | |
CONNECTOR_SETTINGS_DISABLED | ERR-185 | Connector status is disabled! | 501 | |
CONNECTOR_EX | ERR-186 | Connector failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_ROUTING_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT | ERR-187 | Illegal Argument! | 400 | |
POLICY_ROUTING_CLIENT_PROTOCOL | ERR-188 | There is an error in the HTTP protocol! | 400 | |
KPS_API | KPS_SETTINGS_NOTFOUND | ERR-007 | KPS settings are not found! | 501 |
KPS_SECURITY_TOKEN_FAULT | ERR-008 | KPS service returned a fault. Please control your username, password, IP address and local date time! Fault message is: <![CDATA[ {0} ]]> | 401 | |
KPS_SECURITY_TOKEN_NOT_VALID | ERR-009 | KPS Token can not be taken from NVI! Control your username, password, IP address and local date time! | 401 | |
KPS_EX | ERR-010 | KPS connection is failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_ROUTING | CIRCUITBREAKEROPEN_EX | ERR-014 | Circuit Breaker status is Open! Could not send request to target service! | 503 |
POLICY_ROUTING_TIMEOUT | ERR-066 | Routing failed! Connection Timeout! | 408 | |
POLICY_ROUTING_UNKNOWNHOST | ERR-067 | Routing failed! Unknown Host! | 404 | |
POLICY_ROUTING_MALFORMED | ERR-068 | Routing failed! Malformed URL! | 404 | |
POLICY_ROUTING_CONNECTIONREFUSED | ERR-069 | Routing failed! Connection Refused! | 503 | |
POLICY_ROUTING_CONNECTION | ERR-070 | Target service returned error! | 503 | |
POLICY_ROUTING_PROXY_EMPTY | ERR-071 | Proxy host and/or port is empty! | 502 | |
POLICY_ROUTING_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION_EMPTY | ERR-072 | Proxy username and/or proxy password for the proxy of remote connection is empty or wrong! | 407 | |
POLICY_ROUTING_SSLHANDSHAKE | ERR-114 | Routing failed! SSLException is occured! Control your certifates! | 500 | |
CLIENTFLOWBANNER_EX | ERR-133 | Client Banner status is Open! Client is banned for a while and message could not send to backend service! | 403 | |
CIRCUITBREAKEROPEN_NO_ROUTE_EX | ERR-135 | Circuit Breaker status is Open! All Routing addresses are in OPEN State! Try sending message again later! | 503 | |
POLICY_ROUTING_ERRORHANDLINGCONDITION | ERR-145 | Error handling condition has error(s)! Control your condition! | 500 | |
POLICY_REST2SOAP_TRANSFORMATION | POLICY_REST2SOAP_TRANSFORMATION_REQUEST | ERR-018 | Rest-Soap-Rest Request Transformation is failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_REST2SOAP_TRANSFORMATION_RESPONSE | ERR-019 | Rest-Soap-Rest Response Transformation is failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_PROTOCOL_TRANSFORMATION | ERR-106 | Protocol Transformation error! | 500 | |
CONDITION_ERR | CONDITION_RULE_FORMAT_NUMERIC | ERR-020 | {0} Value ({1}) in Condition is not Numeric | 400 |
CONDITION_RULE_FORMAT_DATE | ERR-021 | Date format of {0} Value ({1}) in Condition is not Valid (is not in form of {2}) | 400 | |
CONDITION_RULE_CONFIGURATION | ERR-022 | Exception while evaluation of Condition : {0} | 500 | |
CONDITION_RULE_EX | ERR-023 | Condition can not be evaluated! Control your Condition rules configuration! | 500 | |
POLICY_ALLOWEDHOUR | POLICY_RESTRICTION_ALLOWEDHOUR_FAILED | ERR-024 | Time Restriction Policy Validation failed! System time is ( {0} ), Failed Rule is: ( {1} )! | 403 |
POLICY_RESTRICTION_ALLOWEDHOUR_EX | ERR-025 | Time Restriction Policy Validation failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_MINMESSAGESIZE | POLICY_RESTRICTION_MINMESSAGESIZE_FAILED | ERR-026 | Permissible Min. Size Policy Validation failed! Permissible min. size of request must be ( {0} ) but found ( {1} ) ! | 403 |
POLICY_MAXMESSAGESIZE | POLICY_RESTRICTION_MAXMESSAGESIZE_FAILED | ERR-027 | Permissible Max. Size Policy Validation failed! Permissible max. size of request must be ( {0} ) but found ( {1} ) ! | 403 |
POLICY_IPWHITE | POLICY_IPWHITE_FAILED | ERR-028 | IP( {0} ) is BANNED, because of White Ip List rules! | 403 |
POLICY_IPWHITE_EX | ERR-029 | White IP Filtering policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_IPBLACK | POLICY_IPBLACK_FAILED | ERR-030 | IP( {0} ) is BANNED, because of Black Ip List rules! | 403 |
POLICY_IPBLACK_EX | ERR-031 | Black IP Filtering policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_AUTHENTICATION | POLICY_AUTH_EMPTYUSERNAMEORPSSWD | ERR-032 | Authentication policy failed! API Key/Username is empty | 401 |
POLICY_AUTH_EMPTYUSERNAME | ERR-033 | Authentication policy failed! API Key/Username is empty | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_EMPTYPSSWD | ERR-034 | Authentication policy failed! API Key/Password is empty | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_USERNOTEXISTS | ERR-035 | Authentication policy failed! Invalid API Key/Username and Password pair for Authenticator ( {0} )! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_EX_API | ERR-036 | API call result is failed while Authentication. Status Code is: {0}, Error Message is: {1} | 500 | |
POLICY_AUTH_EX_DB | ERR-037 | Database Exception occured while Authentication. Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_AUTH_EX_LDAP | ERR-038 | Ldap Exception occured while Authentication. Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_AUTH_NOT_FOUND | ERR-039 | Authentication policy not found! | 501 | |
POLICY_AUTH_JWT3RD_EX | ERR-040 | Authentication policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_AUTH_JWT3RD_NOT_VALID | ERR-041 | Authentication policy failed! JWT is not valid! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_JWT3RD_MISSING_CONFIG | ERR-042 | Authentication policy failed! JWT Configuration is missing! | 501 | |
POLICY_AUTH_JWT_EX | ERR-043 | Authentication policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_AUTH_JWT_NOT_VALID | ERR-044 | Authentication policy failed! JWT is not valid! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_JWT_MISSING_CONFIG | ERR-045 | Authentication policy failed! JWT Configuration is missing! | 501 | |
POLICY_AUTH_OAUTH2_EX | ERR-046 | Authentication policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_AUTH_OAUTH2_TOKEN_EXPIRED | ERR-047 | Authentication policy failed! OAuth2 Token is expired! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_OAUTH2_TOKEN_NOT_VALID | ERR-048 | Authentication policy failed! OAuth2 Token is not valid! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_BASIC_EX | ERR-049 | Authentication policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_AUTH_BASE64_EX | ERR-050 | Authentication policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_AUTH_DIGEST_EX | ERR-051 | Authentication policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_AUTH_TYPE | ERR-113 | Authentication failed! Specified Authentication Type does not exists! | 500 | |
POLICY_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_NOTEXISTS | ERR-118 | Authentication policy failed! Invalid Credentials! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_PROXYNOTALLOWED | ERR-119 | Authentication policy failed! Credential is not allowed for this Proxy! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_METHODNOTALLOWED | ERR-120 | Authentication policy failed! Credential is not allowed for this Method/Resource of Proxy! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_IPNOTALLOWED | ERR-121 | Authentication policy failed! IP is not allowed for this Credential! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_EXPIRED | ERR-122 | Authentication policy failed! Credential has been expired! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_PSSWD | ERR-123 | Authentication policy failed! Invalid API Key/Username and Secret Key/Password pair! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_ENVNOTALLOWED | ERR-124 | Authentication policy failed! Credential is not allowed for Environment! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_CONTRACT_PROXY_EXPIRED | ERR-131 | Authentication policy failed! Contract/Protocol of Proxy has been expired! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTH_CONTRACT_CREDENTIAL_EXPIRED | ERR-132 | Authentication policy failed! Contract/Protocol of Credential has been expired! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTHORIZATION | POLICY_AUTHORIZATION_EX | ERR-052 | Authorization policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_AUTHORIZATION_METHOD_NOT_FOUND | ERR-053 | Authorization policy failed! Method not found! | 401 | |
POLICY_AUTHORIZATION_WRONG_SCOPE | ERR-054 | Authorization policy failed! Scope is not valid! | 401 | |
POLICY_API_AUTHENTICATION | POLICY_API_AUTHENTICATION | ERR-055 | API Authentication failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_API_AUTHENTICATION_NOTFOUND | ERR-056 | API Authentication is not found! | 501 | |
POLICY_SCRIPT | ERR-058 | Script policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_WSSECURITY | POLICY_WSSECURITY_FROMTARGET | ERR-059 | WS-Security policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_WSSECURITY_TOTARGET | ERR-060 | WS-Security policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_RESTAPI | POLICY_RESTAPI_RESPONSE | ERR-061 | API Call response code ({0}) is unexpected! Expected value is between 200 and 400. API Result Body is: {1} | 503 |
POLICY_RESTAPI_CONNECTION | ERR-062 | API Call policy failed! Detailed Exception Message for connection is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_RESTAPI | ERR-063 | API Call policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_CACHE | CACHE_AUTHREQUIREDTOREFRESH | ERR-064 | Authentication is required to refresh cache! | 401 |
POLICY_REDACTION | POLICY_REDACTION | ERR-065 | Redaction policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_REDACTION_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND | ERR-115 | Redaction variable not found on request message! Variable Name is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_REDACTION_DATA_FORMAT | ERR-116 | Redaction execution is failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_XMLTRANSFORMATION | POLICY_XMLTRANSFORMATION | ERR-073 | XML Transformation policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_JSONTRANSFORMATION | POLICY_JSONTRANSFORMATION | ERR-074 | JSON Transformation policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_APIBASEDTHROTTLING | POLICY_APIBASEDTHROTTLING | ERR-075 | API Based Throttling policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_APIBASEDTHROTTLING_STOP | ERR-076 | Because of reaching Throttling limit for specified gateway, message is BLOCKED! | 403 | |
POLICY_APIBASEDTHROTTLING_CACHE_SERVICE | ERR-077 | API Based Throttling policy failed! Detailed Error Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_CLIENTBASEDTHROTTLING | ERR-125 | Client Based Throttling policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_CLIENTBASEDTHROTTLING_STOP | ERR-126 | Because of reaching Throttling limit for specified proxy and credential, message is BLOCKED! | 403 | |
POLICY_CLIENTBASEDTHROTTLING_CACHE_SERVICE | ERR-127 | Client Based Throttling policy failed! Detailed Error Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_APIBASEDQUOTA | POLICY_APIBASEDQUOTA | ERR-078 | API Based QUOTA policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_APIBASEDQUOTA_STOP | ERR-079 | Because of reaching QUOTA limit for specified gateway, message is BLOCKED! | 403 | |
POLICY_APIBASEDQUOTA_CACHE_SERVICE | ERR-080 | API Based QUOTA policy failed! Detailed Error Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_CLIENTBASEDQUOTA | ERR-128 | Client Based QUOTA policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_CLIENTBASEDQUOTA_STOP | ERR-129 | Because of reaching QUOTA limit for specified proxy and credential, message is BLOCKED! | 403 | |
POLICY_CLIENTBASEDQUOTA_CACHE_SERVICE | ERR-130 | Client Based QUOTA policy failed! Detailed Error Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_XMLSCHEMAVALIDATION | POLICY_XMLSCHEMAVALIDATION_FAILED | ERR-081 | XML Schema Validation policy failed! Error is: ( {0} ) | 403 |
POLICY_XMLSCHEMAVALIDATION | ERR-082 | XML Schema Validation policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_XMLSCHEMAVALIDATION_UNEXPECTEDBODY | ERR-083 | XML Schema Validation policy failed, due to unexpected message body! Error is: ( {0} ) | 400 | |
POLICY_XMLSCHEMAVALIDATION_PATH | ERR-084 | While Schema Validation Policy, policy got unexpected Path ( {0} ) result, control your Path! Error is: ( {1} ) | 400 | |
POLICY_JSONSCHEMAVALIDATION | POLICY_JSONSCHEMAVALIDATION_FAILED | ERR-085 | JSON Schema Validation policy failed! Error is: ( {0} ) | 403 |
POLICY_JSONSCHEMAVALIDATION | ERR-086 | JSON Schema Validation policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_JSONSCHEMAVALIDATION_PATH | ERR-087 | While Schema Validation Policy, policy got unexpected Path ( {0} ) result, control your Path! | 400 | |
POLICY_DIGITALSIGN | POLICY_DIGITALSIGN | ERR-088 | Digital Signature policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_DIGITALSIGNVALIDATION | POLICY_DIGITALSIGNVALIDATION | ERR-089 | Digital Signature Validation policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_DIGITALSIGNVALIDATION_FAILED | ERR-090 | Digital Signature Validation Error (Description of Policy Rule is: {0}) | 403 | |
POLICY_DECRYPTION | POLICY_DECRYPTION | ERR-091 | Decryption policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_ENCRYPTION | POLICY_ENCRYPTION | ERR-092 | Encryption policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_ENCRYPTION_MISSING_CONFIG | ERR-093 | Encryption policy failed! Certificate or Key is not found! | 500 | |
POLICY_SAML | POLICY_SAML | ERR-094 | SAML 2.0 Validation policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_SAML_SIGNATURENOTEXISTS | ERR-095 | Saml 2.0 Assertion signature is not found! | 403 | |
POLICY_SAML_SIGNATURENOTVALID | ERR-096 | Saml 2.0 Assertion signature is not valid! | 403 | |
POLICY_SAML_KEYSTORENOTVALID | ERR-097 | Keystore could not be loaded for Saml 2.0 Validation! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 403 | |
POLICY_SAML_SIGNERUNKNOWN | ERR-098 | Signature was valid, but signer is not known at Saml 2.0 Validation! | 403 | |
POLICY_CONTENTFILTER | POLICY_CONTENTFILTER | ERR-099 | Content Filter execution is failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_CONTENTFILTER_HEADER | ERR-100 | Violation detected in Content Filter! Rule Name is: {0} | 403 | |
POLICY_CONTENTFILTER_PARAM | ERR-101 | Violation detected in Content Filter! Rule Name is: {0} | 403 | |
POLICY_CONTENTFILTER_BODY | ERR-102 | Violation detected in Content Filter! Rule Name is: {0} | 403 | |
POLICY_CONTENTFILTER_BODY_PATH | ERR-103 | Violation detected in Content Filter! Rule Name is: {0} | 403 | |
POLICY_ROLE_GROUP | POLICY_ROLE_GROUP_BASED_ACCESS | ERR-104 | Violation detected in Role Based Access Control! | 401 |
POLICY_ROLE_GROUP_BASED_IP_CHECK_ACCESS | ERR-105 | Ip Validation Error! Your ip is not in the control list. | 401 | |
POLICY_BUSINESS_RULE | POLICY_BUSINESS_RULE | ERR-107 | Business Rule execution is failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_BUSINESS_RULE_DATA_FORMAT | ERR-108 | Business Rule execution is failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_BUSINESS_RULE_STOP | ERR-109 | Business Rule is stopped the request! | 401 | |
POLICY_BUSINESS_RULE_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND | ERR-111 | Business Rule variable not found on request message! Variable Name is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_WSSECURITY_STSTOKEN | POLICY_WSSECURITY_STSTOKEN | ERR-142 | WS-Security STS Token policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 |
POLICY_WSSECURITY_STSTOKEN_NOTFOUND | ERR-142 | WS-Security STS Token policy failed! STS Token Username-Password is not found for related condition! | 501 | |
POLICY_WSSECURITY_STSTOKEN_NOTVALID | ERR-143 | WS-Security STS Token policy failed! STS Token is not valid! | 501 | |
POLICY_WSSECURITY_STSTOKEN_FAULT | ERR-144 | WS-Security STS Token policy failed! STS Token can not be taken! Control your username, password, IP address and local date time! Detailed response message is: {0} | 401 | |
POLICY_JOSE_IMPLEMENTATION_JWK_NOT_FOUND_VALIDATION | ERR-147 | JWK for Sign in policy was not found! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_IMPLEMENTATION_JWK_EMPTY_APIPROXY_ENCRYPTION | ERR-148 | JWK for Encryption is not set in policy! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_IMPLEMENTATION_JWK_NOT_FOUND_ENCRYPTION | ERR-149 | JWK for Encryption in policy was not found! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_IMPLEMENTATION_JWK_EMPTY_CREDENTIAL_VALIDATION | ERR-150 | JWK for Sign is not set in client's credential! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_IMPLEMENTATION_JWK_NOT_FOUND_CREDENTIAL_VALIDATION | ERR-151 | JWK for Sign was not found for client's credential! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_IMPLEMENTATION_JWK_EMPTY_CREDENTIAL_ENCRYPTION | ERR-152 | JWK for Encryption is not set in client's credential! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_IMPLEMENTATION_JWK_NOT_FOUND_CREDENTIAL_ENCRYPTION | ERR-153 | JWK for Encryption was not found for client's credential! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_IMPLEMENTATION_SIGN | ERR-154 | JOSE Sign operation was failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_IMPLEMENTATION_ENCRYPTION | ERR-155 | JOSE Encryption operation was failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_IMPLEMENTATION_ENCRYPTION_NEED_SIGN | ERR-156 | JOSE Encryption can not be done without JOSE Sign operation! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_IMPLEMENTATION_EX | ERR-157 | JOSE Implementation policy was failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_IMPLEMENTATION_TARGET_VALUE_NOT_FOUND | ERR-158 | Target value was not found! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION | POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_JWK_EMPTY_APIPROXY_VALIDATE | ERR-159 | JWK for Signature Validation was not set in policy! | 500 |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_JWK_NOT_FOUND_VALIDATE | ERR-160 | JWK for Signature Validation in policy was not found! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_JWK_EMPTY_APIPROXY_ENCRYPTION | ERR-161 | JWK for Decryption is not set in policy! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_JWK_NOT_FOUND_ENCRYPTION | ERR-162 | JWK for Decryption was not found! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_JWK_EMPTY_CREDENTIAL_SIGN | ERR-163 | JWK for Signature Validation in client's credential is not set! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_JWK_NOT_FOUND_CREDENTIAL_SIGN | ERR-164 | JWK for Signature Validation in client's credential was not found! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_JWK_EMPTY_CREDENTIAL_ENC | ERR-165 | JWK for Decryption in client's credential is not set! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_JWK_NOT_FOUND_CREDENTIAL_ENC | ERR-166 | JWK for Decryption in client's credential was not found! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_JWK_NOT_FOUND_CREDENTIAL_ENC | ERR-167 | Target value is not found or empty! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_ISSUER_EMPTY | ERR-168 | Client value was not found or empty! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_PARSE_JWT | ERR-169 | JWT parse operation failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_DECRYPTION | ERR-170 | JWE decryption operation was failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_JWT_IS_NOT_ENCRYPTED | ERR-171 | JWT is not in Encrypted format! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_SIGNVALIDATION | ERR-172 | JWE signature validation operation was failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_JWT_IS_NOT_SIGNED | ERR-173 | JWT is not in Signed format! | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_CLAIMVALIDATION | ERR-174 | JWT Claims were not valid! Detailed Error Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_EX | ERR-175 | JOSE Validation policy was failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_JOSE_VALIDATION_SIGNATUREINVALID | ERR-182 | Signature in message is not valid or can not be verified! | 401 | |
POLICY_MTLS_AUTHENTICATION | POLICY_MTLS_AUTHENTICATION_CERTIFICATE_MISSING | ERR-176 | mTLS Authentication policy failed! Certificate(s) is missing! | 401 |
POLICY_MTLS_AUTHENTICATION_CERTIFICATE_NOTVALID | ERR-177 | mTLS Authentication policy failed! Certificate(s) is not valid! Detailed Message is: {0} | 401 | |
POLICY_MTLS_AUTHENTICATION_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER_MISSING | ERR-178 | mTLS Authentication policy failed! Issuer information in Certificate(s) is missing! | 401 | |
POLICY_MTLS_AUTHENTICATION_EX_MESSAGE | ERR-179 | mTLS Authentication policy failed! Detailed Exception Message is: {0} | 500 | |
POLICY_MTLS_AUTHENTICATION_ISSUER_MTLS_MISSING | ERR-180 | mTLS Authentication policy failed! Credential's mTLS setting is disabled! | 500 | |
POLICY_MTLS_AUTHENTICATION_ISSUER_CERT_NOT_MATCH | ERR-181 | mTLS Authentication policy failed! Certificate(s) does not match with Credential's certificate(s) or not valid! Detailed Message is: {0} | 500 |
Parent Error Type and Error Type fields are not included in the messages returned in API Proxy responses.
These two fields are included in the JSON messages where the message traffic is recorded. For more detailed information, you can visit the API Traffic Log Data Structure page in the Log Settings menu.
Parent Error Type Enum Values Table
Parent Error Type | Description |
API_PROXY | Proxy Error |
APICREATOR | API Creator Error |
FAKE_API | Fake API Error |
CONDITION_ERR | Condition Error |
CONDITION_EX | Condition Exception |
POLICY_AUTHENTICATION | Error on Authentication |
POLICY_AUTHORIZATION | Error on Authorization |
POLICY_API_AUTHENTICATION | Error on API Authentication |
POLICY_THROTTLING_PER_CLIENT | Error on Throttling Per Client |
POLICY_CLIENTBASEDTHROTTLING | Error on Client Based Throttling |
POLICY_CLIENTBASEDQUOTA | Error on Client Based Quota |
POLICY_QUOTA_PER_CLIENT | Error on Quota Per Client |
POLICY_SCRIPT | Error on Script |
POLICY_OAUTH2 | Error on OAuth2 |
POLICY_MTLS_AUTHENTICATION | Error on mTLS Authentication |
POLICY_CONTENTFILTER | Error on Content Filter |
POLICY_IPWHITE | Error on IP White |
POLICY_IPBLACK | Error on IP Black |
POLICY_ALLOWEDHOUR | Error on Allowed Hour |
POLICY_MINMESSAGESIZE | Error on Minimum Message Size |
POLICY_MAXMESSAGESIZE | Error on Maximum Message Size |
POLICY_JSONTRANSFORMATION | Error on Error on JSON Transformation |
POLICY_XMLTRANSFORMATION | Error on Error on XMLTransformation |
POLICY_JSONRESPONSEMESSAGETRANS | Error on Error on JSON Response Message Transformation |
POLICY_XMLRESPONSEMESSAGETRANS | Error on XML Response Message Transformation |
POLICY_CACHE | Error on Cache |
POLICY_ROUTING | Error on Routing |
POLICY_REDACTION | Error on Redaction |
POLICY_ENCRYPTION | Error on Encryption |
POLICY_DECRYPTION | Error on Decryption |
POLICY_ROLE_GROUP | Error on Role Group |
POLICY_DIGITALSIGN | Error on Digital Signature |
POLICY_DIGITALSIGNVALIDATION | Error on Digital Signature Validation |
POLICY_RESTAPI | Error on Rest API |
POLICY_WSSECURITY | Error on WS Security |
POLICY_BUSINESS_RULE | Error on Business Rule |
LICENSE | License Error |
Result Type Enum Values Table
Result Type | Description |
BLOCKED | Blocked |
ERROR | Error |
SUCCESS | Succes |