This document describes the installation of Apinizer and MongoDB applications in the Kubernetes environment.

1) Helm Installation and Adding Repos

Helm is installed in the operating system. Then, Apinizer and Mongo's Helm repos are added.

sudo snap install helm --classic
helm repo add apinizer
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update

2) Installation and Configuration


Using Helm, install MongoDB in the Kubernetes environment with the following command.

helm install mongo-k8s bitnami/mongodb --version 14.8.3 --set image.tag=4.2.21 --set architecture="replicaset" --set replicaSetName=apinizer-replicaset --set volumePermissions.enabled=true --set replicaCount=1  --set arbiter.enabled=false  --set externalAccess.enabled=true --set externalAccess.service.type=NodePort --set externalAccess.service.nodePorts[0]=30000 --set auth.rootUser=apinizer --set auth.rootPassword=Apinizer


Apinizer is installed in the Kubernetes environment with the following helm command. Edit the <MASTER_IP> <HOST_IP> and <HOSTNAME> fields in the command according to your own environment.

helm  install apinizer-k8s apinizer/Apinizer  --set manager.masterIP=<MASTER_IP> --set manager.hostIP=<HOST_IP> --set manager.hostnames=<HOSTNAME>

MASTER_IPIP information of the Kubernetes master server.
HOST_IPIf Kubernetes is set up with 1 master and 1 worker node, the IP address of the worker server should be entered here. If the master node is also a worker node, enter the IP address of the master server here.
HOSTNAMEIf Kubernetes is set up with 1 master and 1 worker node, the HOSTNAME information of the worker server should be entered here. If the master node is also a worker node, enter the HOSTNAME information of the master server here.

Wait for the pods to reach the 'Running' state and the license pod to reach the 'Complete' state. You can access the interface at http://<WORKER_IP>:32080.

Çok Önemli

If you want to use current apinizer images, simply add the following parameters:

--set manager.image=apinizercloud/manager:<APINIZER_VERSION>
--set worker.image=apinizercloud/worker:<APINIZER_VERSION>
--set cache.image=apinizercloud/cache:<APINIZER_VERSION>