The connection settings between JIRA and the API Portal are managed from this screen. On this page, you can define your JIRA connection details, API access key, and request types.

Details of the JIRA Integration Settings screen are given in the image below:

The fields used for the Pages screen configuration are shown in the table below.




This is the field where JIRA Integration is enabled.

Jira API Url

Specifies the base URL of the JIRA server.

Example: or http://jira.local.


A field for general description or notes about the JIRA integration.

This field can be used to indicate the purpose of the integration or additional details.


Specifies the username to access the JIRA API. Typically, it is the email address of your Atlassian account.

API Token

API token used to securely connect to the JIRA API.

It can be generated from your Atlassian account. This token is used instead of a password.

Project Key

Specifies the project key of the JIRA project where the integration will work.

Example: APNZ, DEV, PROJ.

Issue Type

Specifies the type of JIRA issues to create.

For example Attach: For tasks. Bug: For bugs.

Custom Field ID that stores the API product category

Enter the ID of the category field you created in Jira (ex: customfield_10070).

This field contains category information such as Payment, Customer.

Custom Field ID that stores the API product name

Enter the ID of the API product name field you created in Jira (for example: customfield_10071).

This field stores product names such as Payment API, Custormer API.

Custom Field ID that stores the API endpoint path

Enter the ID of the endpoint field you created in Jira (e.g.: customfield_10072).

This field stores endpoint paths such as /api/v1/payment

Jira Label

Specify the tags to be used in JIRA. These tags will be automatically added to every JIRA issue created.