1- Apinizer: The servers are restarted. The systems automatically start. If they do not start, the system is investigated with the "apinizer" user.

#The status of tools running in the system can be checked with the following commands.
sudo reboot
sudo systemctl status docker
sudo systemctl status kubelet
sudo systemctl status mongod
sudo systemctl status elasticsearch

2- Kubernetes: The nodes connected to the master server can be seen with the command "kubectl get node." By using the command "kubectl describe node X," where "X" is replaced with the node name from the output of the previous command, the status of the node is examined. In case of a specific error, the instructions in the document are followed.

kubectl get node
kubectl describe <NODE_NAME>

  • By executing the following command on the master server, all running processes can be observed. The Apinizer interface is located by default in the "apinizer" namespace. The describe or log commands can be used for a detailed examination of any pod.
kubectl get pods -A
kubectl describe pod -n <NAMESPACE> <POD_NAME>
kubectl logs -f -n <NAMESPACE> <POD_NAME>

  • The disk and RAM status is examined. It is expected that swap is disabled and the disk utilization does not exceed 85%.
df -h
free -m
swapoff -a

3- MongoDB: Periodically, backups of MongoDB can be taken through Apinizer and it is necessary to store this backup in a location outside the server. If MongoDB does not start automatically, logs are examined.

#You can find the location where MongoDB logs are stored in the "/etc/mongod.conf" file under the "path" directory.

4- Elasticsearch: At specified intervals, snapshots can be taken through Apinizer and stored in the desired location. During installation, the default location for storing data is specified in the "/opt/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.9.2/config/elasticsearch.yml" file under the "path.data" entry. Backups can be taken directly from the specified address.

If Elasticsearch does not start automatically, logs are examined.

vi /opt/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.9.2/config/elasticsearch.yml