The log records that contains the token request data sent to be received from the Authentication module are listed. Different selections can be listed with the environment or date filter.

The image containing the relevant page is given below:

The fields used for advanced filtering configuration are shown in the table below.



Token Requests containing the value selected from the environment variable this filter field are displayed.


Token Requests containing the value(s) selected from the project value this filter field are displayed.

Date Range

Filters Token Requests by selected date range.

API Proxy

Token Requests containing the value selected from the API Proxy information this filter field are displayed.

Username or Key

Token Requests, whose username contains the value entered in this filter field, are displayed.

To Client Body

Token Requests containing the value entered in this field field in the response body returned to the client are displayed.

Status Code Bigger Than

Token Requests with status codes greater than the value entered in this filter field are displayed.

Status Code Smaller Than

Token Requests with status codes less than the value entered in this filter field are displayed.