In this tab, the records of the software logs generated during the operation of the flow for the messages sent to and returned to the relevant API Proxy are displayed.

This page is more suitable for use when a software error is suspected or when it is desired to investigate how the application behaves in the background.

The picture below shows the Application Logs tab:

The Application Logs Tab fields are shown in the table below.

StartIt ensures that application logs are recorded on the basis of API Proxy.
EnvironmentAllows filtering of application logs for the specified environment.

From, To

Allows filtering of application logs for the specified date range.

Search by Log Levels

It provides filtering of logs at the level specified with "Log Level" in application logs.
Search in Correlation ID

As soon as a request comes to API Proxy, a correlation id is defined by Apinizer so that the request can be tracked. Only the application logs of a request can be accessed by making a detailed search in the application logs with the correlation id to be found from the API Proxy Traffic logs. 

Search in Detail

Allows searching in text fields of application logs.

Search in Stack Trace

If an exception has occurred in the application logs, it provides a search on the exception text.


Allows application logs to be downloaded as a single file.

If the "All" option is selected, all logs related to this API Proxy will be downloaded.

If the "Search Results" option is selected, all filtered logs are downloaded.


This API allows deletion of application log records of Proxy.