Certificates enable the identification and management of certificates used in policies. Adding, deleting and updating certificates are performed only by the Admin user.

Creating a New Certificate

From the Administration → Secret Manager → Certificates screen, click the Create button. Fill in the information under Definition. Then click the New Certificate Definition button.

The fields used for certificate generation configuration are shown in the table below.




The name of the generated certificate.


A description can be written to facilitate the management of the created certificate.

Fill in the configuration information for the Certificate in the window that opens. Then click the Apply button. The saved Certificate Definition is listed in the table that opens under Configuration.

The fields used for certificate identification configuration are shown in the table below.




The predefined environment in which the certificate will be used is selected.

Source Of Certificate

It is the source from which the certificate will be obtained. There are three options:

  • Retrieve via HTTPS/LDAPS Connection
  • Import from File
  • Paste from Clipboard
URL When the Retrieve with HTTPS/LDAPS Connection option is selected, HTTPs or LDAPS URL link address is entered in the URL field and the button next to it is clicked.


When the Import from File option is selected, the file that contains the certificate is selected by clicking the "Choose File" button.


This is the area where the certificate will be pasted when the Paste from Clipboard option is selected.

Encoding Type

When the Paste from Clipboard option is selected, the encoding type of the pasted certificate is selected. There are two options:

  • BASE64
AliasThe alias information of the certificate is entered.


This is the area where the content of the certificate is displayed.


Obtained from certificate.

After completing the definition and configuration information, click the Save and Deploy button.

Editing a Certificate

To edit an existing certificate, click the Edit button on the menu of that certificate.

When you click on the Edit field, you can update and remove the certificate on the screen that opens.

Click the Apply button to save your changes.

Deleting a Certificate

To delete an existing certificate, click the Delete button on the menu of that certificate.

Confirm by clicking the Delete button again in the window that opens.

Exporting a Certificate 

To export a certificate, click the Export button on the menu of that certificate.