Apinizer supports Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, IBM DB2, SAP SYBASE, Apache Hive, Apache Impala, MongoDB databases. It connects to relational databases via JDBC.

Connection definition is the same for all supported databases. So this page describes how to define any relational database connection.

This page explains how to configure database connection settings.

Database connections can be used in many places such as creating API from database, defining authentication service, API Integrations, Connector for Actions.

The picture below shows the Database Connection settings:

The fields used for relational databases connection configuration are shown in the table below.




Indicates the active state of the setting.


The name of the created connection.


A description can be written to facilitate the management of the created configuration.
Database TypeOne of the databases Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, IBM DB2, SAP SYBASE, Apache Hive, Apache Impala, MongoDB is selected as the database.
JDBC URLInformation required for a Java application to interact with the database.


Username to connect to the database.


User password to connect to database.


It is the activity information of the created database connection.

Initial Pool Size

The number of connections that will be opened when creating a pool. Default value is 1.

Min Pool Size

The lowest number of connections that can be found in the pool. Default value is 1.

Max Pool Size

The highest number of connections that can be found in the pool. Default value is 5.

Increment Count

The number of connections that will be added to the pool at a time when not idle. Default value is 1.

Max Statements

The maximum number of PreparedStatements to be cached per connection. Default value is 100.

Connection TimeoutThe maximum time, in milliseconds, for the connection to be made properly. Default value: 30,000.

Idle Connection Test Period

Idle is the connection test time in milliseconds. Its default value is 30,000.

Max Connection Age

Maximum connection age in milliseconds. Default value: 180,000.

Max Idle Time

Maximum idle time in milliseconds. Its default value is 120,000.

Test Connection On Checkout

Must be selected for test connection to occur during checkout.

Test Connection On Checkin

It must be selected for the test connection to occur at checkin.

For a connection definition of Apache Impala type, ";AuthMech=3" must be added to the JDBC URL field in order to check the username and password correctly.