With the Decryption policy, the encrypted incoming parts of the message are decrypted.

Multiple password decrypting operations can be performed with different settings in a single message.

The picture below shows the policy settings:

The policy fields are shown in the table below.




A description can be written to facilitate the use and management of the policy.

Decryption Definitions

This is the section where the settings of the fields to be opened with the password of the message are made. More than one can be added.

The picture below shows the Decryption Definition settings:

The policy fields are shown in the table below.


Short Description

A short description of this decryption definition can be entered.

Part of Message

A variable is selected or defined to determine the part of the message to be decrypted.

Decrypted Content's Location

A variable is selected or defined to determine the part of the message in which the decrypted content will be placed.

Source of Algorithm

The algorithm to be used for decryption can be selected or taken directly from the request message:

  • Specify the Algorithm
  • Find in Request


If Encryption Algorithm Source is selected as Algorithm, its algorithm is selected:

  • AES CBC NoPadding
  • AES CBC PKCS5Padding
  • AES ECB NoPadding
  • AES ECB PKCS5Padding
  • DES CBC NoPadding
  • DES CBC PKCS5Padding
  • DES ECB NoPadding
  • DES ECB PKCS5Padding
  • DESede CBC NoPadding
  • DESede CBC PKCS5Padding
  • DESede ECB NoPadding
  • DESede ECB PKCS5Padding
  • RSA ECB PKCS1Padding
  • RSA ECB OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding
  • RSA ECB OAEPWithSHA256AndMGF1Padding

Variable for Algorithm

If the value of the Encryption Algorithm Source is taken from the request message, a variable is selected or defined to get the name of the algorithm of the message.

Key or Certificate

According to the algorithm, this field comes. The key to be used to unlock the password is selected or created.

IV Exist

The IV Exist to be used for decryption is selected.

IV in Message

If the IV Exist option is selected, an IV Variable is selected or defined.

IV Encoding Type

If the IV Available option is selected, an IV Encoding is selected:

  • Base64
  • Hexadecimal

Encoding for Encrypted Content

Select the encoding of the decrypted content:

  • Base64
  • Hexadecimal

To learn more about adding or managing new Keys or Certificates, you can visit the Secret Manager page.

You can visit the Policies page for the details of the Conditions and Error Message Customization panels.