JWK (JSON Web Key) is a standard that enables the definition of key materials for digital signatures and encryption in JSON format. JWK supports both symmetric and public/private key pairs and these keys can be used for a wide range of usage scenarios.

On Apinizer, you can create JWKs, or import an existing JWK to Apinizer using either a URL or the clipboard.

The picture below shows the JSON Web Keypair creation settings:

The fields used for JSON Web Keypair creation configuration are shown in the table below.




A name can be given to a JWK to facilitate its usage and management.


A description can be given to a JWK to facilitate its usage and management.

Source of JWK

Specifies the source from which JWK will be created. The available types are:

  • Generate

  • Retrieve via URL

  • Paste the content of the JWKs

  • Convert from Key Store

  • Convert from Public Key
  • Convert from Private Key
  • Convert from Certificate

If the JWK creation type is selected as Generate, the following fields become active:



Key Type

JWK type can be one of these:

  • RSA: RFC 3447 (Public-Key Cryptography Standards PKCS)

  • EC: Elliptic Curve (DSS)

  • OCT: Octet Sequence (Symmetric Key)

  • OKP: Octet Key Pair (RFC 8037)

The algorithms/curve values are subject to variation based on these parameters.

Key Use

Identifies if the key is intended to be used for signature or encryption

Key Size

Key length in byte


JWK curve type


JWK algorithm

Key Id

This option specifies how the ID of the JWK to be created will be generated.

If the JWK creation type is selected as Retrieve via URL, the following fields become active:




Access address of the JWK set is specified.

Connect Timeout

Connection timeout in milliseconds for the connection to the access address where the JWK set is located.

Read Timeout

Read timeout in milliseconds for the connection to the access address where the JWK set is located.

Size Limit

Maximum size of the data to be read from the access address where the JWK set is located, in bytes.

Key Id

ID of the desired JWK to be retrieved from the access address where the JWK set is located. Even if there are multiple JWKs available at the URL address, only one can be defined at a time on Apinizer.

If the JWK creation type is selected as Paste the content of the JWKs, the following fields become active:



This field is used to enter the text representation of the JWK set.

Key Id

This field is used to specify the ID of the JWK to be retrieved from the JWK set. Even if there are multiple JWKs in the text field, only one definition can be made on Apinizer at the same time.

If the JWK creation type is selected as Convert from Key Store, the following fields become active:



Key Store

This field is used to specify from which keystore the JWK will be created.

Environment FromThis field is used to specify from which environment the JWK to be created will be created.

JWK Algorithm


The Key Id value of the JWK to be created is taken from here.

Use TypeIdentifies if the key is intended to be used for signature or encryption.

If the JWK creation type is selected as Convert from Public Key, the following fields become active:



Public Key

This field is used to specify from which key the JWK will be created.

Environment FromThis field is used to specify from which environment the JWK to be created will be created.

JWK Algorithm

Use TypeIdentifies if the key is intended to be used for signature or encryption.

If the JWK creation type is selected as Convert from Private Key, the following fields become active:



Private Key

This field is used to specify from which key the JWK will be created.

Environment FromThis field is used to specify from which environment the JWK to be created will be created.

JWK Algorithm

Use TypeIdentifies if the key is intended to be used for signature or encryption

If the JWK creation type is selected as Convert from Certificate, the following fields become active:




This field is used to specify from which certificate the JWK will be created.

Environment FromThis field is used to specify from which environment the JWK to be created will be created.

JWK Algorithm

Use TypeIdentifies if the key is intended to be used for signature or encryption