This tab contains general settings related to the selected API Proxy.

The picture below shows the Overview Tab:

If the relevant API Proxy is included in a Group, click the API Proxy Group Enabled link to go to the Group screen to which the API Proxy belongs.

The picture below shows the dialog opened by clicking the Configure button:

The fields used for configuration are shown in the table below.



NameIt is the name given to the API Proxy by the user. It should be unique across the project.


It is an optional description of the API Proxy.

Relative Path

Relative Path is a part of the access URL of this API Proxy.

The address of the API Proxy is used to direct incoming requests to the appropriate API Proxy. For this, a unique address is created using the Relative Path of each deployed API Proxy, as in the example below:

Let the address of the server where Apinizer is running is:

Let the Relative Path is /petstoreProxy. 

Let the Access URL of the Environment that the API Proxy is deployed to is /apigateway.

Let the endpoint that is to be accessed is /findByStatus.

The URL for this endpoint will be:

Relative Path must be unqiue across the Project.

If the Enable Relative Path value is enabled for the Project while making the Project settings, the Relative Path defined for the Project will be a read-only prefix for the Relative Paths of all API Proxies that will be created in this project.

When this option is enabled, this service can only be accessed from the address of a proxy group.

Backend API Version

It is the Backend API version defined to API Proxy.

Category List

Categories can be created to facilitate the management of API Proxies. The category list is used to identify which categories the API Proxy belongs to.
UsageIt is the section where the way of using API Proxy as Producer, Consumer or Producer and Consumer is specified.
Sharing TypeIt is the section where the type of using API Proxy as ExternalInternal or External and Interval is specified.

Show Proxy Key

It is the section where access keys of API Proxy are managed. Access keys are used for OAuth2 Authentication Policy.

Client Id and Client Secret values are created automatically and the user can request new ones to be created. If any of the keys are regenerated for an deployed API Proxy, the API Proxy must be redeployed for the keys to be valid.

The picture below shows the Show Proxy Key section:

The picture below shows the dialog that opens when the Show Proxy Key button is clicked:

Deployment and Specification Information

The deployment section is the section where the API Proxy is deployed, and its addresses for the Environments it is deployed to are displayed. An API Proxy can be deployed to multiple Environments concurrently.

If an API Proxy Group is created from API Proxy, information about that group is also displayed in this field.

The picture below shows the Deployment section:

The Deployment fields are shown in the table below.




It is the Environment information to which the API Proxy is deployed.

Access TypeIt is the access type information of the API Proxy.


It is the access address of the API Proxy. It is automatically generated using the Relative Path and the access URL of the Environment it is deployed to.


Definition files of API Proxy. For each API Proxy, definition files are generated in Swagger 2.x and OpenAPI 3.0.x formats. If the type of API Proxy is SOAP, WSDL and XSD definition files will also be generated. When the Show Specs link is clicked for any Environment, API Definition Files of the API Proxy for that environment are displayed.

When the Show button is clicked, the dialog showing API Proxy definitions in different types and formats is given below:

If the relevant API Proxy is included in a Group and the option to Disable Direct Access to API Proxies is selected on the API Proxy Group screen, a warning box will appear in this section.

Accessing Definition Files via API Proxy

The contents of the definition files are displayed as shown in the figure above when the Show link is clicked and they can be copied from here. However, this method is for users such as API Developers, API Testers which works on the Apinizer platform. Clients (API Consumers) cannot access these interfaces.

Clients can use the URL of the API Proxies to access the definition files as follows:

Let the access URL of an API Proxy on Production Environment is

Then, URLs below can be used to access the definition files:

Swagger 2.x (JSON)


Swagger 2.x (YAML)


OpenAPI 3.x (JSON)


OpenAPI 3.x (YAML)


WSDL (if the API Proxy is SOAP)
