This page explains how to configure RabbitMQ connection settings.

The picture below shows the RabbitMQ settings:

The fields used for RabbitMQ configuration are shown in the table below.



The active state of the connection.


The name of the setting to be made.
DescriptionDescription can be entered.


The host to use for connections

Virtual Host

The virtual host to use when connecting to the broker


The port to use for connections


Enables for configuring Authentication


The AMQP user name to use when connecting to the broker


The password to use when connecting to the broker

Connection Timeout

The TCP connection timeout, in milliseconds; zero for infinite

Requested Channel Max

Initially requested maximum channel number; zero for unlimited

Requested Frame Max

The initially requested maximum frame size, in octets; zero for unlimited

Requested Heartbeat

The initially requested heartbeat interval, in seconds; zero for none

Use SSL Protocol

Enables for configuring TLS

SSL Protocol

Method for configuring TLS. Pass in the TLS protocol version to use, e.g. "TLSv1.2" or "TLSv1.1"

Channel Exchange

The exchange to publish the message to

Channel Routing Key

The routing key

BasicProperties For Message

AMQP Basic Properties for setting metadata of each request