The Identity Provider specifies the pool of users to send requests to the API. These default Identity Providers are used when creating the Authentication Policy.

Accessible and manageable by roles with "Manage Authentication Services" authority, such as "Project Owner".

1) Authentication Connection with Database

The image containing the connection settings for authentication with the database is given below:

The fields used in the connection settings for authentication with the database are shown in the table below.




Created Database Identity Provider name information.


A description can be written to facilitate the management of the created Identity Provider.

Encryption Type

If the password information is kept encrypted in the table to be used in the database connection, the encryption type for the password kept in the table should be selected.

  • NONE
  • MD2
  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA224
  • SHA256
  • SHA384
  • SHA512
  • Blowfish
  • RC2
  • RC4
  • AES CBC NoPadding
  • AES CBC PKCS5Padding
  • AES ECB NoPadding
  • AES ECB PKCS5Padding
  • AES GCM NoPadding
  • AES CFB NoPadding
  • AES CFB PKCS5Padding
  • AES OFB NoPadding
  • AES OFB PKCS5Padding
  • AES CTR NoPadding
  • AES CTR PKCS5Padding
  • DES CBC NoPadding
  • DES CBC PKCS5Padding
  • DES ECB NoPadding
  • DES ECB PKCS5Padding
  • DESede CBC NoPadding
  • DESede CBC PKCS5Padding
  • DESede ECB NoPadding
  • DESede ECB PKCS5Padding

Encoding Type

The encoding to be used for passwords can be specified.

Salt Pre

Before the password is encrypted, a sequence of letters can be defined to be prefixed with the password.

Salt Post

Before the password is encrypted, a string of letters to be added to the end of the password can be defined.

Database Connection Pool Definition

The pool from which the database connection will be taken is selected or created.


Used to retrieve username/password pairs or role list from a query database. In the query, the username parameter should be defined as ":username" and the password parameter, if any, should be defined as ":password". Apinizer works with these special parameter names.

Example query: select role_name from t_user_role where email=:username and pwd=:password

Test Username

While running the query for testing, the value to be written is entered instead of the username parameter. This parameter can also be selected from environment variables.

Test Password

While running the query for testing, the value to be written is entered instead of the password parameter. This parameter can also be selected from environment variables.

2) Identity Authorization Connection with Database

When performing identity authorization, the role field of the relevant user is retrieved in the database query. This role field is then mapped to the ROLES/GROUPS field in Authorization in the proxy policy.

The visual containing the connection settings for identity authorization with the database is given below: