Queries are used to analyze and search log records recorded in Apinizer.

The query definition consists of a combination of expected conditions from certain fields (HTTP Method, HTTP Status Code, Error Type, Client IP, etc.) to match log records, and criteria in must, should, must not types.

Build and Test Query

After the query is created, the query can be tested and the results can be displayed by adding a new filter or choosing from the predefined filters.

The picture below shows the Query settings:

The fields used for Query configuration are shown in the table below.



NameThe name for the created query is written.
DescriptionA description can be written to facilitate the management of the created query.
ConditionsConditions are created that must match in the log data of the query.

It is the filter information to be added to the generated query. It is for testing purposes only. See for detailed information.

Qıuery Result FieldsAs a result of the tested query, the selection of which fields will be displayed is made.
TestTo test the created query and see the result of the query, select the environment information and click the Execute Query button.