Date of version: November 4, 2024

This document contains New Features, Important Enhancements, Modifications and Bug Fixes for version 2024.09.1.

New Features

APNZ-4561 Environment (Namespace) Metrics has been added to “Application Log Cleanup Tasks” for automatic deletion of metrics data. Bkz.

APNZ-4651 API Portal API products page is shown as read-only. Bkz.

Important Enhancements and Modifications

APNZ-4613 If the content-type value of the incoming message is gzip but the data is not gzipped, the message is processed as plain. Bkz. "Disable Content Compression" 

APNZ-4592 Custom time interval option added to Throttling and quota features. Bkz.

APNZ-4614 Cache and Worker pod count can be set to 0. Bkz.

APNZ-4631 API Portal Home and How It Works pages were dynamized. Bkz.

APNZ-4632 The API Portal Appearance Settings page has been made to make the visual configurations of the portal more user-friendly and understandable. Bkz.

APNZ-4633 API Products page of API Portal has been made to make API product configurations more understandable.  Bkz.

APNZ-4657 In API Portal View, it has been enabled to set the fields in Turkish and English. Bkz.

APNZ-4643 In API Portal, it was enabled to display the schema in JSON and YAML format in the sample section in API Product. Bkz.

APNZ-4644 It was enabled to add a table to the API Product description section and display this table in the API Portal.  Bkz.

APNZ-4642 Business Role and Developer Role have been added to API Portal. Bkz.

APNZ-4639 Enriched the fields that can be added to ActiveMQ connection.  Bkz.

APNZ-4640 Removed the requirement to send specUrl when using reverse proxy in the Management API.  Bkz.

Bug Fixes

Issue NoDescription
APNZ-4601Two API proxies imported with different relative paths are confusing their endpoints in the test console.
APNZ-4588 Environment “http” port is closed, when only “https” port is open it cannot be deployed to all pods.
APNZ-4557When switching to the Design tab, the proxy automatically logs out.
APNZ-4460When JOSE policy in Global is exported and imported, it is not added as a global policy.

If the responseTypeByteArray context value in the ProxyContext has been changed, this updated context value will be used during processing.

DİKKAT! Even if the request comes in plain, it can now be sent to the backend in gzip format.
DİKKAT! Even if the response is plain, it can now be transmitted to the client in gzip format.


Since the multipart/related content type is not supported by Undertow, such data should be processed as plain text and not as form data.


Issues in Management APIs;

  •  “Deploy-undeploy” authorization on the user should be mandatory only if ‘deploy’ is selected.
  • Exception messages should be presented in more detail.
  • The error received when the project name is not sent properly should be fixed.
APNZ-4615During the license calculation, there is an error in the part where the number of pods is taken.
APNZ-4595The clock-based TTL setting for cache qouta was missing, this setting has been updated to a maximum of 2 hours.
APNZ-4581Schema validation is performed by calling XSDs with a GET message.
APNZ-4593There are some general problems in the Design and Portal Section.
APNZ-4647On the Trace screen, Quick Test continues to appear even though it is turned off.
APNZ-4658When using “Database Provider” in the Authentication policy “An error occurred during database validation. Detailed Error Message: Configuration is empty or null!” error is received.
APNZ-4655Null error occurs in Database Authentication provider and cannot be tested.
APNZ-4630Old LDAP users have been deleted and new users have been created and given project administrator authorization; however, users are still unable to view projects.
APNZ-4641Management API reverse proxy oluşturulurken null hatası alınıyor.
APNZ-4665Null error is received when creating Management API reverse proxy.
APNZ-4662Getting an authorization error in DB Auth and an error about the connection remaining open.
APNZ-4624In the test console, the body data of the PATCH method does not go to the backend.

Analytics authorized persons cannot access API Endpoint Creation Report and API Endpoint Creation Report pages.