Date of version: November 1, 2022

This document contains New Features, Important Enhancements, Modifications and Bug Fixes for version 2022.11.1.

New Features

APNZ-3215 If the Log Settings configure on API Proxy page, it is possible to override the log settings on a project basis and operate in reverse. See (General Settings). See (Log Settings).

APNZ-3215 Methods that do not have a method name or root endpoint and take a path parameter were enabled.

Important Enhancements and Modifications

APNZ-3255 When testing DB-2-API's method, the returned response was made to be editable. In this way, the user can change the example response information or remove the private data and ensure that this value appears correctly in the API definition file. 

APNZ-3241 Pods are automatically restarted after the Environment is republished.

APNZ-3224 Changes have been made to the requirements for using fields that depend on API Proxy reparse and soapToRest statements in Management APIs. See. 

APNZ-3217 On the Kubernetes Resources page, all namespaces of Apinizer's environments and their connected pods are listed, deleted and its log is displayed.

APNZ-3212 When the Hide in Spec File choice of the API Proxy method is activated, if other methods do not use the Data Model used in this method, this model is stored from the definition file.

APNZ-3198 Added the ability to delete pods from the Kubernetes Resources page. See.

APNZ-3184 Sorgular (Queries) ve Rapor Üretici (Report Generator) ekranlarında sorgu sonuçlarını excel formatında dışa aktarılması ve sorgu test edildiğinde mesaj bölgelerine ait verilerin (parametre, başlık, gövde) görünümü dialog üzerinden erişme imkanı verildi. 

Improvements to instant query run results have been applied to the Queries and Report Generator pages; Exporting the query results as an excel format and displaying the data of the message regions (parameter, header, body) in the table where the query result is displayed, with a dialog. See (Queries). See (Report Generator).

APNZ-3182 Removed the Deploy All feature from the API Proxy detail page. This process should be done on an environment-based in a controlled manner.

APNZ-3167 Improved the user experience of the dialog with project selection. See.

APNZ-3149 By adding the Advanced section to the filter section on the API Traffic page, a customized query filter can be used. See.

APNZ-3028 When the API Proxy name is clicked on the API Proxy Traffic screen on the basis of the project, it is directed to the detail page of the relevant API Proxy.

Bug Fixes

Issue No


APNZ-3252Getting an error when API Proxy is going to be undeployed.
APNZ-3245If the response is successful and an error is received from a policy on the response line, the error code is not squashed by the policy's error code.
APNZ-3243There is no Delete method in Open API type documentation created from Apinizer.
APNZ-3225The process of exporting the global policy and importing it into another project apart from Default project does not work properly.
APNZ-3218If there is no path data while taking a backup, it does not give an error.
APNZ-3216Byte Array returned the document should be returned as an encoded string by default.
APNZ-3206When executing the WS Security STS Token policy in Trace mode, the API calls made are not visible.
APNZ-3203When LDAP Provider is selected as Identity/Role/Group Service and comes back to edit it, the value of this field appears as the default value.
APNZ-3202While logging the traffic record, it should be validated that the maximum size of the body information does not exceed 10Mb, after the Privacy Settings settings are applied.
APNZ-3201Remote Address data are displayed incorrectly on the Login Audits screen.
APNZ-3200An error is received from the console when going to the APIs page on the API Developer Portal.
APNZ-3197When importing Credential as CSV, the default fields in the Token Settings tab are not selected.
APNZ-3191When adding a new Key Store, an error is received from the console when the first definition is made and it is not added.

Backups taken do not appear on the Backup History page.

APNZ-3180Although ProCrypt Settings is turned off on an application basis, it comes in the Settings tab of the API Proxy.
APNZ-3030When changing the method name on API Creator (DB-2-API, Mock API, and Script API) created as an API Proxy, policies in API Proxy's method are lost.
APNZ-3011When the Get method is created with DB-2-API, the requestBody object is empty in the OpenAPI documentation.
APNZ-2674In some existing examples in the JSON Path Test page, the response is blank.