Date of version: May 18, 2023

This document contains New Features, Important Enhancements, Modifications and Bug Fixes for version 2023.05.1.

Since the encryption method of sensitive data kept in the database is upgraded in this version, it is highly recommended to take a backup of the database before upgrading.

New Features

APNZ-3455 Connection Management with SNMP 

Introduced SNMP connection definitions to transmit data to monitoring tools that support SNMP protocol via Apinizer. See. 

APNZ-3455 A New Action Type: Defining a SNMP

With the help of SNMP Connection definitions, we now ensure that data in actions can be sent to monitoring systems. See.

APNZ-3485 Turning Off Logging Completely with Elasticsearch

Apinizer, by default, manages logging with Elasticsearch and executes all analytics queries on the Manager console via Elasticsearch. Users can now disable this feature if required, although please note that this will make certain features, including the analytics module, some policies, and monitor features, unavailable. See.

APNZ-3486 Log Exporting with Kafka Integration

Typically, message sections of a request and response passing through API Proxy are stored on Elasticsearch. With the new Kafka Integration, messages can now be transferred to a different application via the queue system. See.

APNZ-3487 mTLS Authentication Policy

We have introduced mTLS Authentication (Mutual Transport Layer Security Authentication) Policy as an additional authentication policy option. mTLS Authentication validates the client's certificate in incoming requests, using a trusted certificate authority (CA) to verify the authenticity of the certificate. See.

APNZ-3487 Applying of mTLS Authentication Policy

Users can now activate mTLS configuration with routing settings. This ensures the Apinizer client validates the target service's certificate and must be verified by the target service. The target service also validates the client's certificate, facilitating secure communication with the client. See.

APNZ-3487 Applying of mTLS Settings to the Credential

Users can now upload the certificate of Credential if they want the Credential to verify the certificate with the mTLS Authentication Policy. See.

APNZ-3492 API Proxy Group-based Log Settings

For API Proxies added to the API Proxy Group, users can now make bulk log settings and export settings (to Syslog, Webhook, RabbitMQ, Kafka). See.

Important Enhancements and Modifications

APNZ-3193 The cache feature of the API Call policy has been enhanced to check the Cache-Control header in the request pipeline, regardless of its presence in the request to API Proxy.

APNZ-3226 An Export option has been introduced to the menu on pages listing global policies.

APNZ-3297 Editable definitions are now available inside Decryption, Encryption, and Digital Signing policies.

APNZ-3300 Project information is now included in the table listing API Proxy ACL and API Proxy Group ACL information.

APNZ-3337 Global creation of Query, Filter, and Report Generator is now possible from the admin menu. See.

APNZ-3359 API Proxies page (in the Analytics menu) and Overview page on admin menu have been consolidated into a single Overview page.

APNZ-3388 Import and export functionalities are now available for IP Group values

APNZ-3439 Object name and Keyword search filters have been added to the Audit Records page.

APNZ-3475 The project dialog now offers enhanced search functionality.

APNZ-3481 Import and export functionalities are now available for Credential values.

APNZ-3481 Import and export functionalities are now available for Database Connection Configuration values.

APNZ-3503 Viewing and filtering on the detail screen of the API Integration section have been improved.

APNZ-3508 JOSE Validation and JOSE Implementation policies have been introduced to both the request and response line.

APNZ-3510 Authorization fields are now available inside the JOSE Validation policy on the request pipeline.

APNZ-3521 A warning icon feature has been enabled to alert when a policy in API Proxy Group will not apply to API Proxy.

APNZ-3522 Additional fields have been added to method creation settings with DB2API to optimize when processing JSON data. 

APNZ-3529 The display clarity of Keypair or Keypair Set information produced with JWK has been improved.

APNZ-3531 The encryption algorithm for sensitive data stored in the database has been upgraded.

APNZ-3544 A new option, Status Code List, has been added to the Error Handling Type property in the Routing connection settings..

APNZ-3548 The management of log transfers for requests that do not reach API Proxy during traffic log exports has been optimized in the general settings.

Bug Fixes

Issue NoDescription

Fixed an issue where filters on the Audit Records page were cleared when navigating back to the record detail.


Resolved a problem occurring when filtering by advanced search fields on the API Proxy page.

APNZ-3366Corrected an issue where project-based relative path information was not added to the imported API Proxy.
APNZ-3386Improved the loading time for the project's General Settings page.
APNZ-3387Fixed the issue preventing access to record detail that received an error on the Anomaly Detector page.

Resolved the page errors present on the Snapshot Settings page.


Fixed an issue where log records generated by different API Proxies containing same method were incorrectly displayed in the API Proxy Group.

APNZ-3417Fixed an issue where the capitalized relative path in API Proxy Group was not being found.
APNZ-3445Resolved an issue where the API Call policy did not work when the Apply by value in Cache tab was empty.
APNZ-3468Corrected an issue that prevented LDAP authentication in JWT Policy.
APNZ-3494Fixed an issue where Issuer's role information could not be retrieved when Authorization was activated in the JOSE Validation policy.
APNZ-3502Resolved the problem where error messages were not displayed in the JOSE Validation policy.
APNZ-3504Fixed the issue that allowed creation of credentials with the same name.
APNZ-3518Resolved data presentation inaccuracies on the Monitor tab of the Kubernetes Resources page.
APNZ-3519Fixed problems encountered in the OpenAPI documentation.
APNZ-3524Fixed a problem with operations to Manager settings on the Kubernetes Resources page.
APNZ-3532Corrected an issue where SSL type definition did not work based on the threshold value.
APNZ-3538Resolved an issue where Rest2SOAP type API Proxy threw an error while saving.
APNZ-3540Fixed an issue preventing disabling of method/endpoint from the API Proxy page.

Fixed the problem of identifying the data type of the data in file type requests.


Resolved an error thrown when the Decrypt By Issuer/Credential's JWK option was enabled in the JOSE Validation policy. See.

APNZ-3584Fixed an issue that prevented the creation or update of API Proxy from DB2API with an out parameter over MySQL connection.
APNZ-3588Fixed an issue that prevented the deletion of database connection configurations.
APNZ-3593Fixed an issue where jobs from Alert, Uptime Monitor, Anomaly Detector, and API Integrator were not listed on the Scheduled Jobs page.