Date of version: July 11, 2024

This document contains New Features, Important Enhancements, Modifications, Removed Features and Bug Fixes for patch version 2024.05.3.

Removed Features

WARNING! APNZ-4401 The setting that allowed multiple API Proxy selection in the API Proxy Group has been enabled. With this setting, the feature that applied the policies in the API Proxy Group to the API Proxies has been removed. See.

From now on, the policies in the API Proxy Group will only be applied to requests coming to the API Proxy Group. If a request is made directly to an API Proxy and this API Proxy is part of an API Proxy Group, the policies in the API Proxy Group will not be enforced in this case.

New Future Features

APNZ-4436 Along with the removal of applying the policies in the API Proxy Group to the API Proxies, a 'Policy Group' is planned to be implemented to fulfill this feature.

Until this feature is implemented, we kindly request our users who use the API Proxy Group in this manner not to upgrade to the new version.

New Features

APNZ-4401 In Routing, the ability to dynamically set Hop-by-Hop Headers and User-Agent values has been enabled. See.

APNZ-4417 An expiration warning for JWK (JSON Web Key) has been added to the alarms.

APNZ-4413 An expire time field has been added to the JSON Web Key (JWK) screen, and this time is now taken as the end of the certificate's validity. See.

APNZ-4408 In XML schema validation, the feature to validate according to the WSDL schema has been introduced. See.

APNZ-4397 Vulnerabilities in the API Manager found in the new version have been addressed.

APNZ-4398 Multi-API Proxy selection has been enabled in the API Proxy Group. See.

Important Enhancements and Modifications

APNZ-4415 Creation time and expiration time fields have been added to the JWK (JSON Web Key) list.

APNZ-4411 In the Trace tab, indication of whether API Call and Script policies are asynchronous or synchronous has been enabled.

APNZ-4396 The ability to add JWT ID value to the JOSE implementation in policies has been enabled. See.

APNZ-4393 In JSON schema validation, to prevent corruption of error messages that are in JSON format, the Error Response Template no longer directly displays this JSON.

APNZ-4422 Performance improvements have been made in XPath usage.

APNZ-4410 In Apinizer, a gear icon has been added next to endpoints with policies, and hovering over the gear displays 'Policy Exist'. See.

APNZ-4407 Requests to Apinizer GW can now have their charset set as default. See.

APNZ-4402 Values can now be updated under Secret Manager. See.

APNZ-4386 Within global policies, the XSLT value no longer appears in the XML transformation policy list.

APNZ-4389 In the Apinizer Certificate screen, displaying and filtering remaining time has been enabled. See.

APNZ-4385 The global policies menu has been sorted alphabetically.

APNZ-4375 In the API Portal, an API type field has been added to Products.

APNZ-4446 When adding schemas in the XML validation policy, if more than one can be added, the system id value must be entered and the situation where they refer to each other (include/import) must be resolved.

Bug Fixes

Issue NoDescription

If the policy is global, when saved, it does not update the references in the API proxy method and does not provide a warning that this needs to be corrected.


On some screens, when deleting a list item and logging out and then logging back in, the delete dialog window remains open.


When we update a global policy, the list of used API proxies does not appear in the error message, and it does not transition to a 'redeploy required' state.


The Elasticsearch disk space full alarm is not functioning correctly.


In the policy type section, JSON Schema validation is being displayed as XML Schema validation.


When a user selects a value under conditions but does not enter the corresponding variable, the validation error prevents saving.


When the test console is first opened via Tools, two CodeMirror instances are visible.


When Verify against WSDL definition file is checked in the XML validation policy, it does not load all schema files if there is more than one schema.


In SOAP - REST Protocol transformation, elements that do not have a namespace prefix value should be prevented from receiving a prefix due to name similarity.


When trying to read data from the XML file with XPath, an empty value should be returned instead of the entire value due to the corrupted XML file.