Logging various data in Apinizer may be necessary; however, after a certain period, these data may lose their significance and contribute to the growth of the database. Cleaning the collections listed below at regular intervals can be beneficial.

Database collection names:

Page NameCollection Name in the DatabaseDescription
Application Logs


In the `apinizer_log` collection, there are records related to software logs generated during the processing of the flow for incoming and outgoing messages to the relevant API Proxy.

Audit Recordsaudit_event

The `audit_event` collection is a collection where changes made by users on the system are recorded. The performed actions are logged with parameters such as date, operation type, user, object ID, object name, and the type of audit object.

ACL Audit Recordshistory_acl

The `history_acl` collection is a collection where user credentials are recorded for access authorization or revocation to an API Proxy or API Proxy Group. Information such as transaction date, transaction type, reason, the user it is valid for, and the API Proxy/API Proxy Group, as well as the method it is valid for, is stored in this collection.


On Apinizer, alarms can be created using actions under specific conditions. Information about these alarms, such as the processing time, message details within the action, and the object from which it was triggered, is stored in the `alert_history` collection.

Token Requestslog_tokentraffic

In the `log_tokentraffic` collection, there are records related to the relevant parts of incoming and outgoing messages for token acquisition requests.

Anomaly Detectoranomaly_detector_result

In the `anomaly_detector_result` collection, there are records kept for detecting anomalies in API traffic.

Uptime Monitoruptime_monitor_result

In the `uptime_monitor_result` collection, there are log records related to the results of Uptime Monitoring operations.

Task Flowtaskflow_execution_log

In the `taskflow_execution_log` collection, there are records related to logs generated during the execution of actions in the relevant Integration Task Flow steps.

Report Generatorreport_configuration_result

In the `report_configuration_result` collection, there are records related to software logs generated during the execution of relevant report definitions.

Trace (Development → API Proxies → Trace)log_apiproxytrafficWhen Trace is enabled in API Proxy traffic, the `log_apiproxytraffic` is a collection that records information related to API traffic. This model encompasses fundamental traffic details regarding the usage of an API and includes specifics about which proxy processed the traffic.
Trace (Development → API Proxies → Trace)log_apiproxytraffic_policy_execution

When Trace is enabled in API Proxy traffic, the `log_apiproxytraffic_policy_execution` has a structure containing information about the policy enforcement processes of API traffic. This represents information about the state before and after the policy(ies) are applied.

Trace (Development → API Proxies → Trace)log_apiproxytraffic_routingWhen Trace is enabled in API Proxy traffic, the `log_apiproxytraffic_routing` has a structure representing events such as routing, retry, and failover that occur in API traffic. This structure keeps information about which routings an API request went through and how retry or failover processes are handled in case of any errors.
-user_token_blackListIn case users perform multiple logins, each login is recorded separately in the user_token_blackList collection.
Notificationnotification_userUser notifications are stored in the notification_user collection