This document explains the installation of the Apinizer API Developer Portal.

1) Introduction

The API Developer Portal is the end-user or developer portal where API Consumers can access documentation related to APIs offered by an organization, test them, utilize them within specific constraints, and ask questions about them.

Similar to other Apinizer products, the API Developer Portal operates on the Kubernetes Platform. No database is used for portal operations; instead, interaction is facilitated directly through APIs provided by the API Manager.

2) Pre-installation Steps

Before starting the installation of the Apinizer API Portal, the following points should be noted:

  • API Manager must be installed. Please refer to the Apinizer Installation and Configuration documentation for API Manager Installation. 
  • Your license key must include the API Developer Portal component.

3) Installation Steps

The installation of the API Portal can be done in two ways:

  • If Kubernetes management is done through Apinizer, you can install the API Developer Portal via the API Manager.
  • If Kubernetes management is not done through Apinizer, manual installation can be performed on Kubernetes, followed by establishing a connection with the API Manager.

3.1) Create Personal API Access Tokens

Token information can be obtained by creating a new token or using an existing token on the My Profile → page.Staff tokens usually start with apnz_.

You can create the token information from the field in the image below.

3.2) Installation of API Developer Portal via API Manager

3.2.1) If API Developer Portal installation will be done via API Manager

For the installation of the API Developer Portal via API Manager, the following section in the General Settings menu must be active.

Navigate to Management → Server Management → Kubernetes Resources page in the API Manager. Activate the API Portal from the Deployment & Pods tab. Complete the installation by making necessary configurations.

In the opened dialog, define the mandatory fields according to your organization's requirements.

Apinizer Portal Management API URLThe address of the Management API run by the API Manager, necessary for the API Developer Portal to consume Apinizer Management APIs. Example address: http://apimanager-ui-ip-address:port/apiportal/management
Apinizer Portal Management API Key/Token

The token information required for the API Developer Portal to consume Apinizer Management APIs. 

CountEquivalent to the number of gateway engines, similar to replicaSets in Kubernetes Cluster.
Service PortGateway engine access port regulates the NodePort setting of the service object in the Kubernetes Cluster.
Node ListSets which Kubernetes Worker servers the pods will run on. Edit the NodeAffinity setting in Kubernetes.
CPUThe maximum number of CPU cores that the Pod can use.
MemoryThe maximum memory value that the Pod can use.
Memory UnitThe unit of measurement for memory; MB, GB.
Additional VariablesDefault and optional variables and their values to be defined for running within the Pod. Default variables cannot be deleted, only their values can be edited.
Host AliasesIP addresses in the network can sometimes be appended with hostnames. If these are not defined in the nameserver or host file, or if Apinizer cannot resolve them in some way, Host Alias definitions should be made for worker pods to resolve these names.

When configuring the Java Options in the Additional Variables field, please consider the following warning:

When-Xmx and -Xms parameters are used, automatic heap sizing is disabled.

Keep in mind that Apinizer configures JVM Heap values to utilize 75% of the allocated container memory since it runs within a container.

UseContainerSupport is enabled by default.

The old flags -XX:{Min|Max} RAMFraction have been deprecated. There is a new flag -XX:MaxRAMPercentage, which takes a value between 0.0 and 100.0 (defaulting to 75.0). If there is a 1 GB memory limit, the JVM heap is limited to approximately ~750 MB by default.

For more detailed information, click here.

3.2.2) If API Developer Portal installation will not be done through API Manager

For the manual installation of the API Developer Portal, the following steps should be followed:

Important: Create a Kubernetes Secret containing the API Manager API address and API Key/Token information. Fill in the following details according to your organization.

  • apinizerManagementApiBaseUrl: The address of the Management API running on API Manager, required for the API Developer Portal to consume Apinizer Management APIs. An example address would be: http://apimanager-ui-ip-address:port
  • apiKey: The token information required for the API Developer Portal to consume Apinizer Management APIs. 



echo -n ${API_MANAGER_URL} | base64
//We will substitute the output of this for the <ENCODED_URL> variable in the next step
echo -n ${API_MANAGER_APIKEY} | base64
//We will substitute the output of this for the <ENCODED_API_KEY> variable in the next step  

vi api-portal-secret.yaml 

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: apinizer-portal

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
 name: apinizer-portal-secret
 namespace: apinizer-portal
type: Opaque
  apinizerManagementApiBaseUrl: <ENCODED_URL>
  apiKey: <ENCODED_API_KEY> 
kubectl apply -f api-portal-secret.yaml
vi apinizer-portal-deployment.yaml 
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: apinizer-portal
  namespace: apinizer-portal
  replicas: 1
      app: apinizer-portal
      version: v1
        app: apinizer-portal
        version: v1
        - name: apinizer-portal-app
          image: apinizercloud/portal:<APINIZER_VERSION>
            - name: SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE
              value: prod
            - name: JAVA_OPTS
              value: ' -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75.0'
                  key: apinizerManagementApiBaseUrl
                  name: apinizer-portal-secret
                  key: apiKey
                  name: apinizer-portal-secret
              memory: 2Gi
              cpu: 1
            - name: http
              containerPort: 8080

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: apinizer-portal-service
  namespace: apinizer-portal
    app: apinizer-portal
    app: apinizer-portal
  type: NodePort
    - name: http
      port: 8080
      nodePort: <API_PORTAL_PORT>
kubectl apply -f apinizer-portal-deployment.yaml 


Up to this point, the API Developer Portal interface installation may have been completed. However, integration with API Manager is required for APIs to be viewable on the API Developer Portal, for credential creation, and for other functionalities to be utilized.

3.3) Integration of the API Developer Portal with API Manager

In API Manager, go to Management → Portal Management → Settings page, and make the appropriate definitions for your organization.

Click for detailed information.

3.4) Starting the API Developer Portal with SSL

The API Developer Portal can be accessed with SSL if desired.

Click for detailed information.

After completing the above steps and making sure that the Pods belonging to the API Portal on Kubernetes are ready, you can access the Portal Interface from the address below.